Texas Longhorn, on the Prairie
"Texas Longhorn, on the Prairie"
16" X 20" oil on canvas,
Thank you to Robert Hensley for the reference photos.
Below are the stages of this painting in progress.
Adding more detail, almost done.

on the face and body of the cow.
This (above) is where I left off last night before I went to bed. At this point the painting is about half finished. I had added more orange into the mountains, sky, and landscape. I also worked on the eye, that is closest, and made it softer so she looks more peaceful and not so scared. When I got up this morning and looked at it, I realized that her head is too large in relation to her rear end. Her hips and rear area should be larger than I have drawn them because they are closer to the viewer. So today I will increase the size of her rear end, and then she should look more accurately proportioned.

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