My Paintings in Cowgirl Magazine, January/February Arts Issue!

A few weeks ago Cowgirl Magazine contacted me. They had 
seen my work online and and wanted to feature some of my paintings 
in their January/February 2012 Arts Issue!
I am so thrilled to be featured in such a great magazine!
The issue will be at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, select supermarkets, 
and western retailers on December 27th.

Check out their website at  

See them on Facebook, too

 To see more of my paintings, please visit my website 


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! WHAT AN HONOR, Theresa!!!! Your work deserves to be published!!!

  2. Theresa, congratulations! What fantastic exposure. It is indeed such a great way to end 2011 and start 2012.
    All the best to you and yours for the Holiday season.

  3. Thank you Hilda and Christiane for your lovely comments, I really appreciate your support :)

  4. Such good news! Your work looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Wonderful news!!! SO excited for you!! Your work looks great in the magazine layout! Hope you had a very merry Christmas!! Looking forward to the year blogging together.


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