Portrait of a Tennessee Walking Horse by Theresa Paden

Portrait of a Tennessee Walker
By Theresa Paden
#30 of 50 Horses in 50 Days
14" X 18" Pastel on gray canson paper

15% will be donated to
California Coastal Horse Rescue in Ojai

This is Scout and he is a Tennessee Walker. 
He's another one of those horses with a puppy dog personality 
who just loves people. At feeding time he would rather 
visit with the humans than go eat! 

 Here is the drawing shortly after I started it.

If you're interested in purchasing this drawing, 
please email me, theresapaden@gmail.com

 Thank you for looking at my art :)


  1. wow! you really caught his character in this painting.

  2. It is as if you captured this horse in motion and his coloring is beautiful.


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